
The focus on this years’ online IPSW will be on the scientific developments of passive sampling. The hybrid/physical IPSW next year will have a special focus on the perspective of scientists and policy makers on passive sampling and will

include interactive sessions. For the physical/hybrid IPSW 2022 policy makers who are involved with the WFD monitoring and reporting of the results to the EU are specially invited to join and together with them we want to work on bridging the gap between the development of passive sampling methods and their implementation in regular monitoring. In order to prepare for this goal this year we want to discuss some of the main issues that hamper the implementation of passive sampling in regulation so far during a short workshop in between scientific presentations. During this workshop we will discuss the following questions, so please think about these questions beforehand:

  • What is needed/required to get passive sampling really implemented? This can be suggestions on scientific level or policy level.
  • Can passive sampling play a more prominent role in WFD-monitoring than it has so far?
  • What are suggestions on national level to use passive sampling?