About IPSW
IPSW aim to attract a diverse audience from experts in the passive sampling development and application technologies to new users becoming more familiar with the PS advantages. All together working to advance the science behind PS and increase the use of PS approaches to meet risk assessment, policy, and regulatory needs. The IPSW platform has transformed from a local event into an internationally recognised platform of experts in the PS field.
With the continued maturation of passive sampling, this meeting will provide opportunities to share knowledge and experiences related to specific practical applications of these tools, novel uses, regulatory acceptance, and future directions of development.
News - SETAC, May 2025 in Vienna
We would like to invite you to the 35th SETAC Europe Annual Meeting will be held in Vienna, Austria from 11 to 15 May 2025. www.setac.org/vienna with a PS section 3.12 - Passive Sampling: Monitoring of Environmental Contaminants Fluxes Across Spatial and Temporal scales - Section 3.12
Deadline for abstract submission is coming soon.
Section 3.12 - Passive Sampling: Monitoring of Environmental Contaminants Fluxes Across Spatial and Temporal scales
Environmental contaminants, particularly those that are persistent, mobile, and toxic, present significant challenges for understanding their environmental behaviour and bioavailability. These substances, which include various analytes or groups of analytes, complicate our grasp of their potential harmful effects on human health and the environment. Moreover, the intricate interactions among different environmental matrices—such as soil, water, air, sediment, and biota—add to the complexity.
Passive sampling techniques have emerged as essential tools for environmental monitoring, especially in tracking the fate or flux of substances. Unlike traditional active sampling methods, passive sampling provides in-situ concentration measurements and an average representation of chemical exposure across environmental compartments. This technique involves deploying samplers, typically made of polymers, sorbents, or hydrogels, which accumulate chemicals over time through diffusion and/or sorption processes. However, they can also include natural accumulators, like plants and fish.
When paired with advanced analytical methods, passive sampling can significantly enhance our understanding of chemical behaviour in the environment, aiding in exposure and risk assessments. The integration of passive sampling with cutting-edge analytical techniques can lead to the development of predictive models that simulate the spatial and temporal movement and transformation of chemicals in various environmental contexts. These models are crucial for risk assessment, policy-making, and decision-making, helping to devise strategies to mitigate the impact of environmental contaminants on ecosystems and human health.
This session invites abstracts on the latest advancements and applications of passive sampling combined with analytical techniques across various matrices, aiming to deepen our understanding of the spatial and temporal transport and fate of environmental chemical mixtures.
The programme will be assigned to the following key topics reflecting the development and application of passive samplers in air, sediment/soil and water:
- Hydrophobic compounds
- Hydrophilic compounds
- Volatile and semi-volatile compounds
- Metals, inorganic compounds
- Development of novel passive sampling devices
- Environmental applications and monitoring with passive samplers
- Toxicity assessment based on passive sampling methods
- Key aspects for QA/QC, accreditation, data treatment and interpretation
- Environmental policies and strategies for implementation of passive samplers
Do not hesitate to contact us for any proposal for additional workshop topics.
14th International Passive Sampling Symphosium and Workshop
The IPSW 2024 hybrid conference in Limoges is over. We thank all participants for their active approach, great contributions, and discussions. We believe that 14th IPSW contributes to the increasing development of passive sampling in the so important water and the environment protection worldwide.
We are looking forward to you in the next IPSW conferences. In Europe we are planning the next meeting in Prague in 2026.
Yours 14th IPSW organising team
Hybrid structure
- On-site – oral presentations and posters
- Online – presentation recording+book of abstracts. Detailed conditions will be specified at the second announcement according to the registered participants number.